Ellsworth Kelly U.S. Postal Service Stamp Dedication
Ellsworth Kelly Studio
2019 Spencertown-AXP

Ellsworth Kelly forged a distinctive style of abstraction over his seven decades as an artist and today he was commemorated with 10 U.S. Postal Service stamps highlighting his work.
The Ellsworth Kelly Forever stamps were dedicated at the Ellsworth Kelly Studio in Spencertown, NY. News about the stamps is being shared on social media using the hashtags #EllsworthKelly and #EllsworthKellyStamps.
“Ellsworth Kelly honed his artistic voice as a soldier during World War II when he created camouflage patterns and designed posters for the U.S. government,” said USPS Marketing Vice President Steve Monteith, who served as the dedicating official. “Today we celebrate the American master of abstract painting with these dynamic stamps that truly capture the creative talent of Kelly and will be seen by millions as Forever stamps on cards and letters.”
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